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English Grammar Refresher
First Edition, Volume I: August 2006         


The goal of this activity is to Identify sentence parts.

Use the table below each sentence to check your response.

Identify the subject and object
1. After hearing the lawyer’s opening remarks, the angry judge dismissed the case.

Simple Subject Object



2. Are the girls ordering pizza for dinner?

Simple Subject Object



3. During the blackout, the students heard screams in the hallways.

Simple Subject Object



4. Mazda will introduce a completely redesigned Miata next September.

Simple Subject Object



Identify the subject and object and then switch sentence to passive.

Note: The subject in each sentence is identified in red.

5. A ghostly figure appeared by the light of the moon.

Active Passive




6. Why is the basketball team wearing matching shoes?

Active Passive




7. Dr. Smith won the Nobel Prize in physics.

Active Passive




8. Who won Wimbledon this year?

Active Passive



9. The mechanic was charging me an outrageous price to fix my car.

Active Passive



10. Shouldn’t the town board recognize Smith for his volunteer efforts in the community?

Active Passive



11. The window was broken by the kids.

Active Passive



12. The final decision to pass the bill is being made as we speak.

Active Passive



13. Most days, my mail is usually delivered by two in the afternoon.

Active Passive



14. Applauding was begun by the audience in the middle of the final scene.

Active Passive



15. How far in advance were the hotel reservations booked?

Active Passive



16. On the couch lies a really fat cat.

Active Passive


Identify the sentence as active or passive.

Note: The subject in each sentence is identified in red.

17. Has Tom Clancy’s new novel been placed on the best seller’s list?
Have the publishers placed Tom Clancy’s new novel on the best sellers’s list?

18. The passenger with the suspicious luggage was being detained at the security gate.
The police were detaining the passenger with the suspicious luggage at the security gate.

19. That Boston Terrier had been thoroughly washed before the dog show.
Someone had thoroughly washed that Boston Terrier before the dog show.

20.The club will play jazz music until closing time.
Jazz music will be played by the club until closing time.

21. The used car dealer gave me only two hundred dollars on the old truck.
I was given only two hundred dollars by the used car dealer.

22. New Year’s Eve celebrations are broadcast from Times Square every year.
ABC TV broadcasts New Year’s Eve celebrations from Times Square every year.

23. The family never did tell Granddad the entire story.
Granddad was never told the entire story.

24. Why was he elected President?
Why did they elect him President?

25. What color should I paint this door?
What color should this door be painted?

26. How was the movie star’s secret marriage kept from the media?
How did the agent keep the movie star’s secret from the media?

27. Whom should we crown “Miss Congeniality”?
Who should be crowned “Miss Congeniality?”

28. How many applicants have you interviewed?
How many applicants have been interviewed ?

29. What was painted that outrageous shade of pink?
What did you paint that outrageous shade of pink?

30. Has each member of the family packed suitcases for the long trip?
Have suitcases been packed by each member of the family?

31. Was this exercise completed in a thoughtful and complete manner?
Did you complete this exercise in a thoughtful and complete manner?

32. She will happily pay the late fee.
The late fee will happily be paid.

33. He forgot the fact that today is his birthday.
The fact that today is his birthday was forgotten.

34.The burglars were observed conducting surveillance on the bank.
Police observed the burglars conducting surveillance on the bank.

35. What does Jethro eat for breakfast?
What is eaten by Jethro for breakfast?

36. Lake Tahoe is visited by thousands of skiers during the winter.
Thousands of skiers visit Lake Tahoe during the winter.

37. Professor Plum used the rope in the study.
The rope was used by Professor Plum in the study.

38. Whose notes have you been borrowing?
Whose notes have been being borrowed?

39. Who had set the laboratory mice free?
By whom were the lab mice set free?

40. What did Fred send to Mary?
What was sent to Mary by Fred?


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