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Foreign Language
Study Skills &
Success Strategies

English Grammar Refresher
First Edition, Volume I: August 2006         


The goal of this activity is to Identify conjunctions in the following sentences.
Read each sentence carefully consider the role that the conjunctions play in the sentence.

Identify each sentence as compound, complex , simple or compound-complex.
Remember that subordinating conjunctions are also part of their clauses.

Use the table at each sentence to check your response.

Example: I chose a fuel-efficient car, which will save me money.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



1. The team made many improvements this year, yet they still ended up in last place.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



2. I always wanted to live in a place that has Hawaii’s scenery and California’s social scene.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



3. Do you know which book we will be using this afternoon?

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



4. We finished this assignment sooner than we expected.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



5. We went to the only diner that is open all night.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



6. I don’t know where Rich and Juliette went, nor do I know when they will return.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



7. I can’t stay out late on weekdays since I’m in class now.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



8. Make sure that you understand the lesson before starting this exercise.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



9. I asked for the next day off so that I wouldn’t have to drive back early.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



10. Why do we always hurt the ones whom we love?

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



11. Even though he is very busy, John always finds time to call his mother.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



12. You act as if you don’t care.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



13. Marijo plans to stay in the Navy provided that she is able to finish her master’s degree.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



14. Running shoes are best after they have been worn for a few months.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



15. Florence and her co-workers all agreed to support whomever the boss promoted.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



16. Devin is still mad that you didn’t invite him to the party.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



17. He started without her because he thought that she would be late.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



18. If I were in charge, things would be much better.

Conjunction Compound, Complex, Simple, or Compound-Complex



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