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 Foreign Language
Success Strategies

First Edition, Volume I: August 2006  

Part II- English Language Grammar Primer & Exercises

Lesson 6

Objective : Upon completion of this lesson, you will:

• Describe how and where subjects and predicates
are used in English sentences.
• Give examples of how subjects and predicates
are used in English sentences.
• Given a sentence, identify, classify, and describe
the qualities of subject and predicate.
• Create sentences exemplifying sentence inversion.

Every English sentence is split into two major parts: subject and predicate. There are two general types of subjects: who or what the sentence is about and/or the subject of the main verb, i.e., the “doer,” or performer, of the action. The examples below illustrate the two types of subjects.

chose a green suit. (Peter is the doer and what the sentence is about.)
A green suit was chosen by Peter. (A suit is what the sentence is about.)

The subject in an English sentence is usually at the beginning. However, there are many exceptions to this rule. For instance, in sentences that give orders, the subject you is not always expressed; it is understood. Also, when a phrase, clause, or word other than the subject is being emphasized, the subject of the action is secondary.

Examples: Make more coffee! (imperative - subject you is implied.)
Why did Victoria spend the night in Des Moines? (interrogative sentence)
Because Bob was late, he missed the meeting. (dependent clause at beginning)

SUBJECTS (continued)

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