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 Foreign Language
Success Strategies

First Edition, Volume I: August 2006  

Part II- English Language Grammar Primer & Exercises


Comparative and superlative adjectives compare attributes between two or more things.

Examples: My mom is a better bowler than your mom!
Henrietta is the best shortstop we have!

Interrogative adjectives ask questions that seek an adjective as an answer. Some of these words can be used as pronouns if they precede a preposition.

Examples: Which baker blends better batter? (adjective)
Which is the baker who blends better batter? (pronoun)
How many boats are on the water? (adjective)
Whose dog is this? (adjective)
Who’s responsible for this? (pronoun)
What kind of plumber is Harry? (adjective)


Adjectives can also function as subject complements. Such adjectives occur right after linking verbs and complement, or complete, the idea expressed by the subject. An object complement follows the direct object it modifies. All complements rename or describe their subject or object.

Examples: Tarzan was strong. (Strong describes the subject Tarzan.)
We called Jane lovely. (Lovely describes the object of the sentence, Jane.)

Verbal Adjectives

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