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 Foreign Language
Success Strategies

First Edition, Volume I: August 2006  

Part I - Study Skills and Strategies

Strategies for remembering, recalling, and understanding

4. ANALYSIS using deduction, application of rules, or comparison of the target language with English or other foreign languages that you may know to figure out and remember how your target language works.

5. CLASSIFICATION organizing words, grammatical items, and language concepts by grouping them into like groups by meaning, sound similarity, function, context, association, or other categories.

6. REHEARSING working out in advance what you will say in a given situation and practicing it to yourself (or with others).

7. REPETITION repeating what you have heard, as a drill or in natural communication.

8. REVIEWING looking through material you have had earlier.

9. SUMMARIZING writing or mentally making a summary of texts.

10. INDUCTION ascertaining the big picture from the pieces.

11. DEDUCTION figuring out the pieces from the big picture.

Test-taking Strategies

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