Welcome to the Javanese Familiarization Course. This
course has been designed by the I Corps Foreign Language Training Center
to promote language readiness in Javanese for soldiers.
Completing this course will help you meet your foreign language
requirements as a solider.
Directions for course:
- The Introduction will provide general background information on
Indonesia and Java such as
geography and culture.
- The Language Basics section will introduce you some
Javanese language basics such
as pronunciation and alphabet.
- The Lessons Main Page will
take you to 20 lessons of various topics. You will be
asked to study and perform numerous activities. Be prepared to
use a notebook to record your answers and take notes. There will be
times when you need a learning partner (classmate, friend,
spouse) to share your ideas.
- When you encounter a
blue hyperlink, use Ctrl+Click to follow the link.
symbol indicates there is audio accompanying the activity.
Ctrl+Click the blue hyperlink
to listen to the audio.