Albanian Familiarization Course - 200 Hours

Developed by JBLM Language and Culture Center, JBLM, WA
April 2007 – Version 2

To begin, click the link below to open the course through the Web Browser (Internet Explorer preferred) on your computer. 

Albanian Familiarization Course

If you need a paper copy of the course click on the Printable Version below.  You can then print the course by chapter.

Printable Version

Rapid Rote

Open "My Computer" and right click on the CD drive that your disk is in and select "Explore."  This should display everything that is on the disk.  Look for the file folder labeled Rapid Rote, double click on it, and it will open up all the lists.  From there you may download the lists to your Rapid Rote program.



This symbol indicates there are sound files attached to the activity.  Move the cursor over the blue hyperlinked text and click to hear the accompanying audio file.  You may use Windows Media Player for the audio.  If the WMP window opens in full mode and blocks your lesson screen, just switch to compact mode (lower right side of the window).  You may also install Winamp that will play the audio but remain on a window beneath your lesson.  Click here to install the Winamp Lite program.  If you cannot open the Printable Version, click here to install Adobe© Reader©These steps  require an active internet connection.  If you are not allowed to install software due to system restrictions, contact your Systems Administrator.